REPORT: Senator Bob Corker Considering Retirement


Senator Bob Corker is considering retirement, according to a CNN report breaking this morning:

Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, the influential chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee who was once considered for a spot in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, is weighing whether to call it quits next year.

Corker told CNN last week that he has not made a decision about his future, and appeared to confirm Trump’s tweet that he asked the President for political advice about whether to run for reelection.

“As far as what am I going to do in the future, I’m still contemplating the future,” Corker said in an interview. “It’s a tremendous privilege to do what I do, and to weigh in on the big issues. … But I have not decided what I’m going to do in the future.”

The junior Senator has been oddly quiet about any 2018 re-election run as possible candidates consider challenging him in the August primary, and investigations into some too-good-to-be-true stock trades develop.

CNN continues:

A source familiar with Corker’s thinking said the Republican is legitimately torn about whether to remain in the body another six years or to return to his roots in the business sector.

But the source said Corker is taking steps to prepare for a run, raising money for a bid with more than $7 million in cash on hand. Plus, he’s hired a seasoned political operative as a general consultant, Ward Baker, who led the GOP’s Senate campaign committee in the party’s successful 2016 election cycle.

At the same time, however, Senator Corker is facing growing opposition over for his seemingly constant criticisms of President Trump, who won the state by over 25 percentage point in November 2016 and currently enjoys high approval ratings of over 50 percent.



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9 Thoughts to “REPORT: Senator Bob Corker Considering Retirement”

  1. Ce

    Mr. Corker: You are an embarrassment of the highest order to the great State of Tennessee. You along with Lamar Alexander need to retire and let True Conservatives (of which you are NOT), represent this State !! Most if not all politicians, do not know when their time is up. YOUR TIME IS UP! Retire gracefully of your own accord, or WE WILL DO IT FOR YOU!

  2. Robert Granger

    He will never get my vote again, he caters to the libs who would never vote for him instead of the people that actually voted for him. He’s a RINO John McCain Jr, Tennesse doesn’t need that. Retire yourself or the voters will do it for you.

  3. Lee

    It’s TIME!

    GO Marsha!

  4. Sharon Graves

    You would be wise to donate the $7 million to the homeless of Tennessee and go about a new career. Tennessee will never elect you again.

  5. Jim Forsythe

    It is about time! He has caused enough damage to Tennessee. It is time for a Senator that is on the side of Tennessee, instead of a RINO who is in it for himself.

  6. lb

    GREAT news for a Monday! DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YOU–etc bobby! Hopefully we can get a REAL Conservative elected!

  7. 83ragtop50

    Do us a favor RINO Bob. Go ahead and retire. That will save you the embarrassment of a 2018 primary loss and preserve your delusion of being a decent representative of Tennessee.

    1. Randall

      I guess he’ll be moving to Cave City.
